Study levels and degrees
A degree is proof that you've studied a subject to a certain level or that you've completed a specific programme. You can study a programme at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels. There are also professional programmes that lead to a specific profession.
All courses and programmes at Swedish universities are offered at these levels (cycles). Each level leads to a specific degree.
A degree is proof that you’ve learnt how to think both analytically and methodically. A degree is never awarded automatically, instead you’ll need to apply for it yourself once you’ve completed your studies.
If it’s your first time at university, you’ll start by studying at Bachelor’s level. Once you’ve completed your Bachelor’s, you can apply to study at the next level.
Bachelor's (first cycle) studies and degrees
This level will be your starting point if you’ve never studied at university before. You can either choose a programme with a set range of predetermined courses, or study freestanding courses and build your own degree.
Once you’ve studied full time for two or three years, you’ll meet the requirements for a degree. During your Bachelor’s, you’ll be able to choose a subject to specialise in. This subject will then be the main field of study (your major) when you apply for your degree.
All Bachelor’s degrees must include a specialisation in your major and/or a degree project. The full requirements for each degree can be found under the following headings: General qualifications at first cycle level, Fine, applied and performing arts qualifications at first cycle level and Professional qualifications at first cycle level.
The majority of higher education courses and study programmes lead towards a general qualification (diploma or degree). Study programmes are made up of a collection of courses chosen by a university. These courses complement each other and when combined, they’ll result in a general qualification. To find out which qualification a programme leads to, take a look at the course and programme catalogue on the university’s programme page.
You can also combine your own choice of courses in a general qualification, as long as you meet the qualification requirements. This means you can specialise in the subjects that interest you and create a unique degree.
If you’ve been awarded a general qualification, you’ll only be able to continue within general subjects at Master’s level.
Degree | Duration | Credits | Other specific requirements |
Högskoleexamen (Higher Education Diploma) | 2 years | 120 | Includes degree project |
Kandidatexamen (Degree of Bachelor) | 3 years | 180 | A minimum of 90 credits in the main field of study, including a degree project of a minimum 15 credits |
You can apply for a fine, applied and performing arts qualification (diploma or degree) if you’ve studied at a university or university college of fine, applied and performing arts. Once you have this qualification, you’ll meet the entry requirements for Master’s (second cycle) studies in the discipline.
You may also be eligible for general studies at Master’s level, but this will depend on the way the entry requirements are worded. Be sure to carefully read the entry requirements for the courses and/or programmes you want to study. It might even be a good idea to contact the university and ask them for details when the time comes for you to apply.
Degree | Duration | Credits | Other specific requirements |
Konstnärlig högskoleexamen (Higher Education Diploma) | 2 years | 120 | Includes degree project |
Konstnärlig kandidatexamen (Degree of Bachelor) | 3 years | 180 | Includes degree project of a minimum 15 credits |
Some qualifications prepare you for specific professions, such as vocational education teaching, engineering or nursing. A professional qualification can be issued once you’ve met certain requirements, but having the qualification doesn’t always mean you’re automatically entitled to work in the profession. You might have to apply for a licence/professional status qualification before you’re allowed to work in a certain profession.
Degree | Duration | Credits |
Arbetsterapeutexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy) | 3 years | 180 |
Audionomexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Audiology) | 3 years | 180 |
Biomedicinsk analytikerexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Laboratory Science) | 3 years | 180 |
Brandingenjörsexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Fire Protection Engineering) | 3.5 years | 210 |
Dietistexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Dietetics) | 3 years | 180 |
Djursjukskötarexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Nursing) | 3 years | 180 |
Folkhögskollärarexamen (Higher Education Certificate in Folk High School Education) | 1 years | 60 |
Fysioterapeutexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy) | 3 years | 180 |
Förskollärarexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Pre-School Education) | 3.5 years | 210 |
Hippologexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Equine Science) | 3 years | 180 |
Högskoleingenjörsexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering) | 3 years | 180 |
Landskapsingenjörsexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Landscape Construction and Management) | 3 years | 180 |
Lantmästarexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Rural Management) | 3 years | 180 |
Officersexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Military Studies) | 3 years | 180 |
Optikerexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Optometry) | 3 years | 180 |
Ortopedingenjörsexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Prosthetics and Orthotics) | 3 years | 180 |
Receptarieexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy) | 3 years | 180 |
Röntgensjuksköterskeexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Radiology Nursing) | 3 years | 180 |
Sjuksköterskeexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing) | 3 years | 180 |
Sjöingenjörsexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering) | 3 years | 180 |
Sjökaptensexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nautical Science) | 3 years | 180 |
Skogsmästarexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Forest Management) | 3 years | 180 |
Skogsteknikerexamen (Higher Education Diploma in Forest Management) | 2 years | 120 |
Socionomexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Social Work) | 3.5 years | 210 |
Studie- och yrkesvägledarexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Study and Career Guidance) | 3 years | 180 |
Tandhygienistexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene) | 2 years | 120 |
Tandteknikerexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Dental Technology) | 3 years | 180 |
Trädgårdsingenjörsexamen (Degree of Bachelor of Science in Horticultural Management) | 3 years | 180 |
Yrkeslärarexamen (Higher Education Diploma in Vocational Education) | 1.5 years | 90 |
Master’s level (second cycle) qualifications
You’ll be able to continue your studies at Master’s level once you have your Bachelor’s qualification. As you study, you’ll continue to deepen your knowledge in your main field of study, or other closely-related fields. Once you’ve completed two or three years of full time study, you’ll be eligible for a Master’s qualification.
You can apply for the following Master’s qualifications:
- Magisterexamen (Degree of Master 60 credits)
- Masterexamen (Degree of Master 120 credits)
All Master’s qualifications must include a specialisation in a main field of study and/or a degree project. The full requirements for each degree can be found under the following headings: General qualifications at second cycle level, Fine, applied and performing arts qualifications at second cycle level and Professional qualifications at second cycle level.
To be eligible for a place on a Master’s programme, you must have completed a Degree of Bachelor. However, once you’ve completed 120 credits at Bachelor’s level, you’ll be able to take freestanding courses at Master’s level.
Degree | Duration | Credits | Other specific requirements |
Magisterexamen (Degree of Master 60 credits) | 1 year | 60 | A minimum of 30 credits in the main field of study, including a degree project of a minimum 15 credits |
Masterexamen (Degree of Master 120 credits) | 2 years | 120 | A minimum of 60 credits in the main field of study, including a degree project of a minimum 30 credits |
To be eligible for a place on a Master’s programme in the fine, applied and performing arts, you must have completed a Degree of Bachelor. However, you can take freestanding courses at second cycle level once you've completed 120 credits at first cycle level.
Degree | Duration | Credits | Other specific requirements |
Konstnärlig magisterexamen (Degree of Master of Fine Arts 60 Credits) | 1 year | 60 | Includes degree project of a minimum 15 credits |
Konstnärlig masterexamen (Degree of Master of Fine Arts 120 Credits) | 2 years | 120 | Includes degree project of a minimum 30 credits |
Some degrees lead towards certain professions, such as teaching, law or midwifery. Unless otherwise stated, you can apply for a programme leading towards a professional qualification at Master’s level without needing a professional qualification at Bachelor’s level.
The content of a professional qualification varies. Often, you need to have completed such a programme before being able to receive a licence to practice, or be eligible to work in the profession.
Degree | Duration | Credits | Other specific requirements |
Agronomexamen (Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture) | 5 years | 300 | |
Apotekarexamen (Degree of Master of Science in Pharmacy) | 5 years | 300 | |
Arkitektexamen (Degree of Master of Architecture) | 5 years | 300 | |
Barnmorskeexamen (Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery) | 1.5 years | 90 | Requires Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing and professional status qualification |
Civilekonomexamen (Degree of Master of Science in Business and Economics) | 4 years | 240 | |
Civilingenjörsexamen (Degree of Master of Science in Engineering) | 5 years | 300 | |
Grundlärarexamen (Degree of Master of Arts in Primary Education) | 3 or 4 years | 180 or 240 | |
Hortonomexamen (Degree of Master of Science in Horticulture) | 5 years | 300 | |
Hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorsexamen (Master of Science Programme in Healthcare Counselling) | 1 year | 60 | Requires Degree of Bachelor of Science in Social Work or equivalent |
Juristexamen (Degree of Master of Laws) | 4.5 years | 270 | |
Jägmästarexamen (Degree of Master of Science in Forestry) | 5 years | 300 | |
Landskapsarkitektexamen (Degree of Master of Science in Landscape Architecture) | 5 years | 300 | |
Logopedexamen (Degree of Master of Science in Speech and Language Pathology) | 4 years | 240 | |
Läkarexamen (Degree of Master of Science in Medicine) | 6 years | 360 | |
Psykologexamen (Degree of Master of Science in Psychology) | 5 years | 300 | |
Psykoterapeutexamen (Postgraduate Diploma in Psychotherapy) | 1.5 years | 90 | Requires Degree of Master of Science in Psychology, Degree of Master of Science in Medicine with specific specialisation, Degree of Bachelor of Science in Social Work or equivalent |
Sjukhusfysikerexamen (Degree of Master of Science in Medical Physics) | 5 years | 300 | |
Specialistsjuksköterskeexamen (Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Nursing) | 1 year, 1.25 years for district nursing specialisation | 60 credits, 75 credits for district nursing specialisation | Requires Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing and professional status qualification |
Speciallärarexamen (Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs Training) | 1.5 years | 90 | Requires Bachelor of Arts in Education |
Specialpedagogexamen (Postgraduate Diploma in Special Educational Needs) | 1.5 years | 90 | Requires Bachelor of Arts in Education |
Tandläkarexamen (Degree of Master of Science in Dental Surgery) | 5 years | 300 | |
Veterinärexamen (Degree of Master of Science in Veterinary Medicine) | 5.5 years | 330 | |
Ämneslärarexamen (Degree of Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education, Degree of Master of Arts/Science in Upper Secondary Education) | 4/4.5/5 or 5.5 years | 240/270/300 or 330 |
Doctoral studies (third cycle) qualifications
Doctoral studies (third cycle) are perfect if you want to remain in academia and continue specialising in a subject. Unlike Bachelor’s and Master’s level, doctoral studies are a combination of an employment position at your university and regular studies at doctoral level. Instead of receiving student finance from CSN, you get a salary for working and studying. You’ll be expected to teach Bachelor’s and Master’s students, conduct research in your field and take certain courses.
The time it takes to complete your studies may vary, but generally most people finish after two or four years. However, it may take more time if your research takes longer than expected.
Third cycle studies can lead to:
- A Degree of Licentiate
- A Degree of Doctor
Like at the other levels, you’ll need to meet specific course requirements before you can apply for your degree. Read more under the headings: General qualifications at third cycle level and Fine, applied and performing arts qualifications at third cycle level.
Admission and eligibility for third cycle studies
The following general entry requirements apply for third cycle studies:
- Master’s degree,
- minimum of 240 credits, of which 60 must be at second cycle level
- alternatively, you must have obtained the equivalent knowledge in Sweden or abroad.
Degree | Duration | Credits | Other specific requirements |
Licentiatexamen (Degree of Licentiate) | 2 years | 120 | Includes an academic paper of a minimum 60 credits |
Doktorsexamen (Degree of Doctor) | 4 years | 240 | Includes an academic thesis of a minimum 120 credits |
The following general entry requirements apply for third cycle studies:
- Master’s degree,
- minimum of 240 credits, of which 60 must be at Master’s level
- alternatively, you must have obtained the equivalent knowledge in Sweden or abroad.
Degree | Duration | Credits | Other specific requirements |
Konstnärlig licentiatexamen (Degree of Licentiate) | 2 years | 120 | Including a research project in the fine, applied and performing arts of a minimum 60 credits |
Konstnärlig doktorsexamen (Degree of Doctor) | 4 years | 240 | Includes doctoral thesis of a minimum 120 credits |
You’ll be able to research even if you have a professional qualification. Just like with regular doctoral studies, you’ll need to have completed 60 credits at Master’s level and a degree project of a minimum 15 credits.
If you’ve only completed shorter vocational education and training, you might need to study an additional year (or more) at Master’s level before you can start researching. If you’ve completed longer vocational education and training, such as a five-year programme, you can automatically apply for third cycle studies – as long as you’ve completed 60 credits at Master’s level and a degree project.
If you’re interested in going into research, it may be a good idea to talk to a study guidance counsellor specific to your programme towards the end of your studies. They can tell you more about your possibilities and how to improve your chances of going on to further study.
Sometimes, you can combine work with researching. Your prospective employer can tell you more about the opportunities available.
Important to remember
Entry requirements must always be met
You must always meet the entry requirements by the time a programme starts – often earlier. It’s rare that exceptions can be made to the requirements for the courses you’re interested in. So make sure to read the entry requirements closely to avoid disappointment.
Talk to a guidance counsellor
A guidance counsellor can help you create a plan if you are unsure of what to choose.