IAESTE provides placements in more than 80 countries, primarily for engineers, natural scientists and architects.
The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience, IAESTE, is an international non-profit organisation that provides placements in more than 80 countries, primarily for:
- engineers
- natural scientists
- architects
The placements are of varying length – from two to 18 months. There are placements suitable for everyone in higher education and, in some cases, it's possible to combine a placement with writing a degree essay.
IAESTE manages the administration and helps with organising work and residence permits, tax and insurance. The local IAESTE committee in the host country organise accommodation and leisure activities. Trainees receive a monthly wage to cover living costs in the host country and to provide a little pocket money. Trainees pay the costs of travel, their subsistence allowance, visa and insurance.
How to apply
IAESTE Sweden’s office is at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg. Their website has information about how to apply for a placement.